Sunday, June 27, 2010

In response to Ms. SheenieinaBottle's Big Mouth post...

Sooo Ms. Sheen...I just gotta handle your anger a lot better than I do.
You actually let it out and let other people see it.
I've always kept it mom has always said that she thinks other people get along with me so well because I'm so passive...not always a good thing.
Whenever I get angry my brain shuts down and is at a standstill...I'm not like you Ms. Sheen, my angry disrespect doesn't roll like I'm passive because I really can't think of anything to say or how to act so I just let it slide and bury it. Oh sidenote but I really can't stand other people when they're crying...the fact that I don't know how to act then either coupled with the fact that often they're crying over something trivial just annoys me to no end.
Anyways I let my anger out in stupid ways.

Story #1
My middle-school volleyball coach was a pretty intimidating person. I'm pretty sure that no one on our team liked her. She yelled at pretty much everyone...but she never really yelled at me cause I guess I was pretty good at that age having two sisters that had already taught me some I never really messed up that badly. But I never really had beef with her. Last game of the season: We were doing pretty crappy and DUN DUN DUN I messed up. She yelled at me.
Now I don't usually hold grudges...I don't even hold one against Ms. Slinky (yeah yeah I couldn't come up with a better name) but I hold one against this woman. You might be thinking,"wow that's a stupid reason to hold a grudge."
no. excuse my french but this woman was a bitch. It wasn't that she yelled at me but that she was such a pain-in-the-arse to everyone...all the time!
To this day whenever I see her and the assistant coach at our high school games...I never acknowledge her. No I hug the other lady...she's nice, she was my algebra teacher but not my coach.
And from what I hear from kids who go to middle school there, she's still a bitch.

Story #2
I pretty much went behind my best friend's back and talked to people she told me never to come into contact with again. And was pretty much the reason for her boyfriend to break up with her.
I find this ironic though because I only went behind her back to talk to that person I was forbidden from talking to because I wanted the whole story before just listening to her...she is my best friend but she is also known for lying...and because she went and talked to this person she was explicitly forbidden from talking to by her boyfriend.
Yeah I get that she's mad at me now but this whole thing was really a bit of everyone involved's fault. Mine for talking to the person I was told never to come in contact with again and for telling her boyfriend things about her past. The person I was told to never come in contact again with for talking to me and her and for sending her boyfriend an email. Her boyfriend for not setting his foot down when he already gave her a second chance to be honest with him. Hers for talking with the person she was told never to come in contact with again.
I just wanna say that I did it because I was tired of your bs and I really don't regret it.
I just wanted him to know what he was getting himself into.
You always say that it pisses you off when people call you a hoebag. Well stop giving them reason to think that.
I just wanted all of this done with and solved and you to get some drama out of your life(Yes I know, it probably wasn't the best way for me to approach the situation) because your emotions have been on a ridiculous rollercoaster this past year and a half. I care about you and it kinda sucks when I'm here watching you hurt yourself pretty much on purpose both emotionally and physically. It's really frustrating to me because I really don't know how to help you.

I got sidetracked a tad but for those of you not mentioned you can tell that I will be evil and horrible and mean and awful even to those I care about once I've had enough bs from them.

In the time frame of 7th grade up until even the 10th grade, I didn't have a good solid outlet for letting go of my anger. Sure volleyball helped some, I really love the game but even that lost some of the magic over time. I would get so angry at people and I would hold it inside for so long that it would get warped and I would wonder if it was all my fault.
Soo I turned to cutting myself.
It was a sick sort of fascination when I cut..I only cut deep enough for blood to would distract me from my anger and I would sit and wonder about the human body and its complexity(is that a word?) Sometimes I would punch my solid wood dresser to try and make my knuckles bleed. I even shattered a window and used the glass shards to see if there would be a different cut than scissors or a swiss army knife
My mom found out about it one day but I just told her that I was "experimenting"
I guess in some strange way I was telling the half-truth. I was trying to figure out just how far I had to cut before it would bleed and then how deep before the pain overcame the anger.
Being the obedient asian child, I stopped doing it on a regular basis when she told me to stop. But up until a year ago I still did it when I was feeling really really angry or stressed out.
Last year when I was really bugged out by English I pulled out my swiss army knife while studying vocabulary and started sawing at the book with the "serrated edge" to see if it would cut at all because it was supersuper blunt and surprisingly it did. So I tried to see if it would cut me.
If you ask me to see the scars now, well they're really faint. I never cut so deep that I actually wanted to kill myself...I just wanted to hurt something, anything and see the blood. And now that I'm tan(somewhat) they're pretty much invisible and it's only because I know where they are that I can find them.

I stopped doing it 1) when I saw my best friend doing it and I realized that she had is soo much worse than I did and I couldn't even bear to see her hurt herself 2) when I met Mr. AHHCHOO and heard his story and I just wanted to help him rebuild his life after last year's events and I decided that we both can't be the stupid one in the relationship 3) I really started pursuing a legitimate relationship with God.
Praying to God and letting out your burden to him really is the best stress and anger reliever there is.

You might ask me WHY?? Some people have told me, "BUT YOU LOOKS SO HAPPY ALL THE TIME"
well don't they always tell you that it's usually the ones that look happy and have a seemingly perfect life on the outside?
And everyone has made some stupid idiotic moronic (excusethefrench) shit-for-brains mistake in their past. Mine just happened to be self-mutilation.

I would also appreciate it if those of you reading this don't tell other people. You select few I have shared this blog with I consider close to me. We've all seen how people's lives have been ruined by gossip.

LyricS of the Day
Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this on my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
To save me from this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel
-Carrie Underwood: Jesus Take the Wheel

Everybody makes mistakes...
-Hannah Montana: Nobody's Perfect

Day 16

Soooo its story time.

This morning on the way to church as usual I had just grabbed something to eat on my way out the door and today it was a slice of pizza. Well we were almost to church, I was in mid-bite annnnnnnnnnd all of a sudden.........I really had to throw up.

It was almost as bad as that one time at the end of 30HFamine when I was really sick and I suddenly had to throw up and disappeared to the bathroom for like 15 minutes and Mr. AHHCHOO got all worried and came out after me and was waiting for me and awwwwwww :)

anyways I was really freaked out because just last night I had read a book about this girl who had gotten pregnant and had really really had morning sickness.....

I tried not to make any noise cause if I did throw up...well I'd have a lot of questions to answer. So I just did the whole breathe deeply through your nose and keep trying to swallow thing.
I managed to get it under control but the whole time in my head I kept thinking, "WTF IS THIS??!!? WE HAVEN'T EVEN DONE THAT YET!!!!!!"

Alrighty guys, I'm just going to leave you with that to ponder.

Lyrics of the Day:
So I hopped on a train three in the afternoon
I don't know when I'm coming back, but I hope that it's soon
See, I never thought (Never thought)
That I'd have to leave your side (Your side)

It's only physically but know that you will be on my mind
Twenty-four hours at a time
Cause in my eyes, you were mine (You were mine)
-AJ Rafael: She Was Mine

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Days 14&15

Sooo these past few days have been really boring...Waldo has been keeping me company though.
Yeah we were stuck in Roswell annnnnd this town sucks. The "airport" is only flies to two places..LAX or DFW.
Yesterday morning when we went to the "airport" they had apparently cancelled the flight to DFW that morning...but fortunately my mom had gotten us seats assigned already. BUT then that flight got delayed because of the flight that had gotten cancelled SO by the time we got to DFW we had JUST missed the flight back to RDU :(
SO we had to spend the night at DFW...Ms. VVN was saying "MY POOR BABY but the airport is really nice! Ms. Sheen says to go eat taco bell" hahahaha Ms. Sheen...
yeah the airport was nice when we were in the AA lounge and they had disney channel and cots and stuff BUT then the jerks kicked everyone out of the lounge when half of us were already asleep!!! Something about people had been stealing cots from the airport?? buttt then then let us take cots out of the lounge?! logical much?
Yeah so I slept on the airport bench...yeah its pretty comfortable when you're sitting up but laying down?!! no. Especially the kind that has armrests. My mom was like "OH yeah you're small! you can fit!"
UNCOMFORTABLE. If I moved my head then my chin would hit an armrest. I could'nt move my legs cause they were trapped under an armrest..I couldn't move my feet cause they were trapped too. But sometime around 4 am I moved to the cot because my parents couldn't sleep.
that was better. I looked like a hobo apparently cause its really hot in Texas right? well they kept the air conditioning on full-blast. I went to sleep with shorts and a hoodie on. I woke up wearing jeans and two hoodies and all sorts of clothing piled on top of me. WHUT?! Apparently I do all sorts of things in the middle of the flap my wrists ;)
Yeah but we finally got on a flight back to RDU and I had pulled out Waldo because we were in row 7 which is right behind 1st class and doesn't have any carryon storage and I thought maybe I would search for Waldo on the flight. Nope. As soon as the three of us got on the plane we all passed out. woke up for free drinks! passed out again woke up when the plane landed.

When Ms. H20 and Ms. H1 picked us up, Ms. H1 was like, "OHHH HELLLOOOOO WELCOME TO AMERICAAA." while bowing and attempting a fobby japanese accent.
We had landed at like 10 and got home at like 11. I passed out on my bed again.
I had a weird and strangely elaborate dream about the Simpsons. I woke up and it was 5pm.

new: I'm doing a lyrics of the day thing now just because i think my posts are too bland.

Lyrics of the Day
"You make me wanna dance
Cuz I'm happy but just know that I can't dance
So I'm sorry in advance"
-AJ Rafael: Showstopper

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 12 and 13

Sooo I didn't post yesterday because we switched to a hotel that was nearer to LAX and that hotel had really really sketchy wireless connection.
Well we didn't really do anything yesterday or today anyways..
Yesterday we just went and got the new hotel which was pretty nice cause it was right on Marina Del Rey..we just walked around and walked down to the Fisherman's Village.
My mom had this nice asian resturant all picked out annnnnnnnnnnnnd we walk all the way down there and my dad says that it serves too many white people so we turn around and go look at other resturants. For some reason we picked this sketchy hole-in-the-wall kinda resturant except it was actually pierfront...but it was like deserted and kinda dirty..and expensive. it wasnt that bad though. I reallywanted to get a jetski but my dad was being cheap asian again. Soooo we walked back and I played with the sketchy internet some. yeah it wouldn't let me go on gmail or blogger BUT somehow I could play youtube and hulu..
And today we tried to go home but the stupid Dallas/Forth Worth air traffic control people decided that there was too much air traffic and cancelled the flight we were supposed to be on.
So we tried to get on some flight that was going east in some way but it failed several times. At least at LAX there was a Non-Revenue Lounge and they had DISNEY CHANNEL!!!
Well we finally got a flight to Roswell, New Mexico...what a podunk town..and they are really pushing the whole alien thing...they have a McDonalds in the shape of a saucer and the lights glow green and have little alien eyes on them hahaha.

oh I forgot to mention that the day we went to Hollywood we also went to the Griffith Observatory and I was all like "DROOOOOOOL THEY FILMED PART OF TRANSFORMERS HERE!!"

And here's to Mr. AHHCHOO who will be coming home in (after today) 39 days. YES! DOWN TO THE THIRTIES!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 11

Sooo today my dad decided to be super asian and didn't want to go anywhere that required an admission fee. Which is a pity because we went to HOLLYWOOD today.
We stopped by the San Gabriel and he didn't even want to pay the $5 dollar admission to that..
yeah so despite being in HOLLYWOOD, we didn't really do anything today.
we just kinda walked along the street and I was staring at the walk of fame while trying not to trip.
Soo erm Ms. VVN and Ms. DonkyKeung may be the only ones who get this...
Do you guys remember Mr. Superfly and Mr. Supaflyy?
And remember how Mr. Supaflyy went to HOLLYWOOD and took a picture next to Mr. Rogers's star? Well as I was walking down the walk of fame that was all I could think about and....I'm ashamed to say I flipped out a little on the inside when we got to Mr. Rogers star. Annnd I also took a picture next to it...BUT I ALSO TOOK A PICTURE NEXT TO GODZILLA'S STAR!!!
Yeah then we went and drove up to Malibu and Pepperdine...that was a really nice campus. Hahah all I could think about when we were in Malibu was Lisa Simpson being like, "Look at my new Malibu Stacey doll!!!"

oh yeah so remember last post when I flipped out about the ASTON MARTIN? well people here in SoCal seem to have a strange affixiation on Porsche SUV's, shiny new BMW Beamers, and Volkswagons. Strangely not a lot of Lexus or Cadillac..

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 10 was really stuffed.

Sooo adhering to typical hotel behavior for our family, we woke up just before breakfast was over.
Sadly, I didn't buy any clothes...pathetic. but I did buy the Where's Waldo: Ultimate Travel Edition heh heh I'll be happy on the plane ride home!
We ate lunch at this place called SinBala because the people we ate with yesterday said that the potstickers were REALLY good. So we ordered them annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd discovered that they were pretty much exactly the same ones that we bought at home from the grocery store...
Then we went to go see these people who are friends with my grandparents. HOLY CRAP THEIR HOUSE IS SO BIG AND THEIR SON LIVES RIGHT NEXT TO THEM SO THE'VE GOT TWO GIGANTIC HOUSES!!! I was kinda scared that their two big doggies were going to knock me over. I had gone out to take pictures of their extensive grounds and their doggies came out and charged after me. One of them licked me and left this big streak of wet up my shirt :[
So then we went to go see their son, he is like some manager boss thing of a airplanesomethingy. HE IS SO RICH. He has that house in california and a house in Florida and Oregon. We were leaving his office and were in the parking lot. I was taking pictures of the nice cars and had just taken a picture of the Porsche and he was like, "you should take a picture of my car"
HOLY CRAP AN ASTON MARTIN!!!! He was like, "yeah I had a Lamborghini but I didn't like it."
Anyways, he took me for a ride and WOAH remember that show like 5 years ago with Batman? He had that zoomy car with blue lights and he drove so fast between other cars that he left light trails? YEAH THATS WHAT IT FELT LIKE.

Day 9 was stuffed

Soooo Mr. AHHCHOO complaining about how you didn't get to talk to me at all the other day huh? WELLLL I waited up for you until 3 in the morning HOPING that you would get on again :(
AND I didn't even see Mr. Timon and Mr. Egg today because they went to church and we slept in. Then we went to the Ronald Reagan Library...that was interesting..there were a bunch of mannequins in the Air Force 1 plane and all I could think about was I Am Legend..
As we were leaving we saw this little kid who was all upset in the parking lot and as we walked by his mom pointed to my shirt(Bob the Tomato) and the kid got all happy. YES! My good deed of the week.
So then we went to get our hotel on the other side of LA annnd that was stupid. The maps were all wrong and like all the roads split up and become other roads and it was just...idiotic.
When we FINALLY got to the hotel and went up to our room...we opened it and saw a whole set of someone elses luggage. We went back down to the front desk and were like, "UHH either you gave us the master key or theres someone living in our room." So they gave us another room and we were pretty pooped so I just watched like 5 episodes of Sonny With a Chance.
Then we went out to dinner with another of my mom's old friends. YES MR. AHHCHOO THEY HAD TWO SONS TOO. hahah the little one is in 3rd grade but is almost as tall as me :( The other one is going to be a sophomore in college...HE'S REALLY TALL. He's 6'4"!! His chinese is REALLY REALLY good and he has a strangely appealling voice...
Anyways we were going to eat at this chinese seafood place but STUPID ASIAN PEOPLE!! It was like being in a can of sardines. AND they were totally rude. We had made reservations too!! UGH so we just gave up and went across the street to eat. hahah it was called the Happy Sheep. It was like the thing where you have a pot of boiling soup in the middle of the table and you get platters of raw meat and vegetables and etc and you stick em into the soup and cook it yourself. Quite delicious...MAN they ordered sooooo much!! After we left the resturant my stomach was like was almost like having abs. Then we went downstairs to get some shaved ice. This was like legit shaved ice...there weren't any chunks of ice and it was like eatting flurries.. Yummy.
Yeah so we took a bunch of pictures and ARGH WHY IS HE SO TALL and I was standing on like a 6inch curb and I was barely level with his shoulder :[
Ehh and we were pretty bloated and didn't really feel like moving so we just kinda fell asleep watching Disney Channel at the hotel...typical

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 8...a little late but still

Sooo Mr. Timon, Mr. Egg, and I went to Universal Studios:Hollywood today.
I'm pooped. It really wasn't that spectacular...compared to the Universal Studios:Orlando..this was more actual information on movies and ride simulations compared to the Orlando one where there's like legit freaking roller coasters...after I went on all those "rides" I had this massive craving for a gut-dropping coaster...maybe Apollo's Chariot.
Mr. Timon is pretty worries Mr. AHHCHOO not in that way..he's like a mix between William Su's facial features and Mr. Crisco's clothes and Mr. AHHCHOO's tanness.
California is so weird...its freezing at night..I think the last time in NC that it was this cold was like two months ago.
We went out to eat at a Japenese resturant for dinnerand wow it was like a resturant where the workers were actually Japanese...but still I had no idea that the Salmon Entree would be switched for a Samo I love asian accents.
OH that reminds we were walking into Universal Studios we see a HUGE mass of asians..there were like 4 tour buses full of asians getting off with a red carpet and everything..just because of all those asians everywhere around the park were signs written in Chinese.
Hahaha Mr. Egg was too much of a wuss to go on the Mummy Ride with me and Mr. Timon so he waited for us outside of the exit...when we came out we see him uncomfortably clutching my bookbag while sitting next to a fat lady flossing her teeth.
When we got lunch we were next to this asian family and you know how theme parks like this don't allow you to bring in food? well this Chinese mom is drinking out of a metal can of Pediasure and when they threw their trash away we were like "what? are those leaves?! and is that string?! HUH? HOW'D THEY SNEAK IN ZONG ZE?"
Well we came back and they showed us their video of their trip to Taiwan and I was like"......WAHHH MR. AHHCHOO IS DOING THIS RIGHT NOW TOOO."

Saturday, June 19, 2010



Courtesy of Mrs. ABS

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 7 (technically Day 8 now but I'm on Cali time)

Sooo I went to sleep last night with the full intention of waking up at 8 again to wecbcam with Mr. AHHCHOO. Thaaaat didn't happen. This time Sleep > Mr. AHHCHOO. Sorry boo.

I finished packing this morning and then we were off to the airport! Flying standby is pretty great. One flight is only $11...sooo flying the three of us on a connecting flight from Dallas/Fort Worth cost us aboutttt $70ish. Our flight was at 10:45 and I pretty much konked out as soon as we got on. I'd have to say that was one of my most uncomfortable konking out ever. Yes even more uncomfortable than konking out underneath a bench on a cold, stone floor with people kicking me with their heels. I don't even know why it was so uncomfortable...maybe cause the people who put the seats in the airplanes have obviously never slouched in their life. sheesh. freaking Professor McGonagall. Thennn we got on the connecting flight to LA...this was better because the seats had the headphone pluggy in thing and there was NBC for American Airlines playing. Hahaha when we landed the stewardess was like "Welcome to Los Angeles the home of the Los Angeles Lakers the winners of the 2010 NBA Finals"

Anyways LA traffic is stoopid. Who'd have thought that it would take 20 minutes to drive 3 miles on the highway? So we got to their house and looked this SoCal weather is BALLIN. except that its like freezing at night.
So the marching band dudes...I shall call them Mr. Timon and Mr. Egg...whoever figures out their names gets a prize...not really but they'll get my undying they're pretty cool.
Mr. Timon looks a lot like Willim Su except skinnier and tan and less nerdy and tan. I went to youth group with them and like every one is super tan. I thought this one guy was Indian until I saw his face...they're pretty nerdy..I guess cause they're not really LA but like two small cities away from LA. The girls there are pretty stereotypical..either pretty fobby or LA-skanky. Their youth director was pretty cool though..a lot less nerdier than ANDY. They seemed pretty unruly though..people were just kinda running around afterwards and yes I am aware people run around after our yg but they're in like a legit sanctuary...oh and they have no college group..hrmm its youth/college.

Oh yeah so like all of those girls in the yg think I'm like mixed...and the youth director thought I was in college. I was like YES PEOPLE DON'T THINK I'M STILL 12!!!!

OW. i just got my lip caught in my retainer. painful :(

Thursday, June 17, 2010


This would be Ms. JaLinz, Ms. EmLinz, and moi.
notice how much taller both of them are than me :(

Day 6

Sooo I noticed today that I seem to start all of my blogs with "Sooo." Hmmm.
Oh I also noticed that Ms. Money is counting down on her blog and I'm counting up!
ookay that had no relevance or all
I must be in the zone for noticing stuffs. I put my contacts in with my right hand and take em out with my left hand. weird.

SOOO I woke up SUPER early this morning(8:15 lol) to webcam with Mr. AHHCHOO.
MAN. I must really like him to give up sleep!! So that was fun..we did that for about an hour and a halfish...haha the whole time he wore his AMAZING HAT that Ms. VVN totally wants to borrow.
Trust me..once you see it you'll want it.

Yeah so me and my parents are going to Cali tomorrow morning...and I get to go to UNIVERSAL STUDIOSSSSS. YESSS.
The only awkward part is that we're staying with an old friend of my mom's and she has two sons, 17 & 15, annnnnd the 17 year-old-one is taking me around Universal cause my parents are too lame to do it. My mom was like, "Don't fall for him!! You'll break Mr. AHHCHOO's heart!!" annnd then she was like, "On second though, if you do then it'll be soo cool that we're such good friends and our kids get together!!!" My dad was like, "Don't fall for him!! He's in marching band!!!" Yess! Way to break the asian stereotype dude...

Oh yes I also apparently have to go to youth group with them tomorrow night. awkwardddd

Ah yes so I also helped Ms. JK (who shall from now on be known as Ms. DonkyKeung) come up with her own blog name-DonkyKeung...after a succession of things like JayKay, JustKidding, JayKeung, JayKungFu, BigBootayestKeung, VeryLargeButtocks, IHasBigButt, GottaDonk, GotDonk?, etc...Of course Mr. Bra was also helping her come up with names-JOCEYPOSSY, JOCEMELON, JOCELION- but his were nowhere near my caliber ;)

Ms. COW came to badminton tonight! It's like the only time our schedules don't conflict. SADNESS. And then Lil Miss Bells runs around demanding piggyback rides from the both of us...oh and she cut her toe and her bandaid came off like 3 times..eww
Ms. COW of course is like thuperduper tan compared to my pastyness..just like Mr. AHHCHOO.
Curse you and your dark melanin pigments.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 5

Sooo today I reread alllllll of the comics cause I that bored.
Then my parents decided to go to church to play badminton at church today for "a short while"

5 hours later

We get to church annnnd my parents are stuffing things in the storage closet and I was super bored and decided to get out the wheelchair from the storage closet and wheel myself around the church...quite a workout...pity the AP Psychology teacher doesn't allow wheelchair psych projects.

hrmm so Mrs. ABS at bible study tonight told us that the proper way to reference girls under the age of 18 is Miss. SOOOOOO now I have to go back and change everything...I thought about that when I first started writing this butttttttt NOPE I'm not going to do it and just have bad ettiquette. BOOYAH.


Oh I was writing this Mr. AHHCHOO came online and I just started hyperventilating..

H20's a jerk

Sooo last night around mmmm 8:30 I was just starting my Twilight Princess spree and was like 10 minutes into the City in the Sky dungeon and Ms. H20 walks in and starts smacking me in the face with the laundry telling me to turn it off so she can watch the NBA Finals on the big tv.
She ends up not even watching and wandering off to her room to talk to people...SO I DIDN'T GET TO START PLAYING AGAIN UNTIL 11:30.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 4

Sooo today I woke up around 10 and did nothing.
Oh wait. I cleaned my room. that took like...3 hours. Thats like a new personal best! Usually it takes me like 3 days...
ahem soo Mr. AHHCHOO's vloggy things arn't working so he started a blog as well. Of course being in Taiwan right now...all the buttons on his are in I'm just kinda clicking around and hoping that they're the right buttons.
In reference to the previous post when he said he showed his grandma pictures of me and Mr. JKo..I asked him which pictures/how he showed her...on Facebook of course..they went through all of our profile pictures
I don't know how I should feel that I just got Facebook stalked by an 80 something year old woman..

bahaha Mr. AHHCHOO has gotten in trouble in a bunch of stores for filming...he says next time he's just going to pretend he doesn't speak Chinese.

So today was the last Junior Bank Board meeting of the school year and we sent off the seniors and brought in the sophomores. YAY I'M TREASURER FOR NEXT YEAR!!! I was just like, "yeahhh i'm asian, good at math, like counting money, need I say more?"

anywho I'm off to go play another several hours of Twilight Princess.
hopefully by the end of the week i'll be done...then i can go raid Mr. Sven's house for another video game!! oh what a joy that he's on vacation...muahahaha

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 3

Bwahahahahah Mr. AHHCHOO sent me an email because his vlogs aren't working and he said,"my grandma think's you're pretty and she thinks JKo looks like a douche. I think you're pretty and JKo looks like a douche. I'm glad my grandma and I have similar tastes :)."

he said this in the middle of a paragraph of saying how much he missed me. bahahaha

So today I went to Harris Teeter for an interviewy thingy...ehhh they said that people are still getting moved around but they'd call me back later to tell me when I can start training...oh well. at least I'll have a job during school!

Sooo it's 12:30 right now and I've just played another 3 hours of Twilight Princess...I'M SO BOREDD. HURRY UP AND COME BACK MR. AHHCHOO. you're really going to make me wait another 49 days?? tsk. men.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

1Day to go/Day 1/Day 2

1 Day to Go
So I'm really glad I got to see Mr. AHHCHOO before he left. I had to drive out the the freaking middle of nowhere though. AND I almost hit someone on that florhgoighsdklkdj left turn!!
He was longboarding with one of his biffles and I was really confused when I turned into the parking lot cause I didn't see I drove down to the bottom and I see the back end of a car speeding away...I was a little freaked out but I followed it and was about the leave the parking lot when I see this car try to go out of the parking lot in the enter lane. I back up and wait for the idiot to notice annnnnnd of course its Mr. AHHCHOO...DRIVING ILLEGALLY!!!!! What a dummy. The man is 17 and he doesn't have his license...tsk tsk. Of course I can't really talk. I've had my license for half a year now and my parents paid the insurance and all buuuuuut I've only driven myself like...5 times now? Sad.
Speaking of sad...Youth Group was pathetic. like really freaking pathetic.
There was like no one there. hahaha Ms. Money and I had a hugfest and complained to each other how Mr. AHHCHOO and Mr. Fondue are meaniebutts for leaving us for Taiwan. tsk men.
Then Mr. JKo and his posse showed up...Ms. VVN and I were upset with them cause they're spreading Mr. AHHCHOO's evil, dark, shady past...MUAHAHAHAHA.
no seriously guys. WHY MUST YOU DIG UP ANCIENT HISTORY?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Well Ms. VVN was more upset. She couldn't even stay in the same room...
Day 1
Ms. COW woke me up. THANKS A LOT.
no seriously thanks a lot. I realized OHCRAP Mr. AHHCHOO's flight leaves in an hour!!! Luckily I called and caught him before he left. Well it certainly was good to hear his voice after not seeing him at yg yesterday :[ His parents left him and his little brother already...UNACCOMPANIED MINORS!!! My dad walked in was like, "IS HE FLYING AMERICAN AIRLINES?!?!?!?" (my dad works for AA)
anyways..His little brother cracks me up. I suppose he is the reason for bringing us together. Last year during VBS lil ANDCHOO was the little bugger that I had to grip by the neck the whole time to keep him from running into the bear cage at the zoo. Hahah all this time he was yelling, "MY BIG BROTHER IS 16!! HE'LL BEAT YOU UP!" oh the irony...*snicker*
Actually I really first started talking to him during the retreat last year because everyone thought Mr. AHHCHOO liked Ms. VVN and I actually had a thing for his friend, Mr. eBalenin. Then Mr. AHHCHOO and I started texting after the retreat...later (like 3 days ago) he told me he was hooked on me after my first text about burritos...
*ahem* anyhoo so then he flew to Hotlanta for his connection to TOKYO. He called again once he got to Atlanta, etc....hrm other than that I don't really remember what I did on Saturday...
Day 2
woke up...went to 2nd session(I haven't been to 1st session in like 3 or 4 months)...there was like NO ONE there. well sure my friends were there minus Mr. AHHCHOO *cough cough* but all the seniors left us and were sitting with the college group wahhhhhhhhhhh. I went over to Ms. Money and gave her another hugfest cause she was crying again..shame on you Mr. Fondue making her cry like this tsk. I felt like mixing it up so I sat with them and Mr. Jerbear and Mrs. ABS (they're married). teehee Mrs. ABS is so funny...she had a loaf of bread in her purse...she drew little dancing toasties on her notes that were holding little pendants that said, "I heart toast!!

Seriously. I read all 25 chapters of an online comic and I played 5 straight hours of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I do recommend both though perhaps not all at once like me :) for the comic.

Thursday, June 10, 2010



Sooo Mr. AHHCHOO, I did start missing you a lot yesterday after you left SB but it didn't hit me until like right now that you won't be around for the ENTIRE SUMMER. The first summer that I have enough freedom to stay out until the odd hours of the night, to randomly spring sleepovers at people's houses, to actually drive myself around. SADNESS.

I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. Getting to see you on Fridays and Sundays was the only thing that got me through the week during school. At the risk of sounding complete me.

I will miss you SOO SOOO SOOO SOOO much that its impossible to put into words.
Just know that I love you and I'll be thinking about you every single day, every single hour, every single second. Especially in my dreams when I can wake up, say your name, and flap my wrists ;)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

3/2 Days to GOOO

Sooo no post yesterday, sorry people.

The Senior Banquet was a success!!! The video making gets a rank above last year because last year Ms. Umbrelle didnt finishe editing til like right before the program started. This time we finished half an hour before dinner!!! Sure the skit kinda sucked in some parts but Mr. AHHCHOO and myself made a kickin' stop-motion animation sequence!!! I think I might make Mr. AHHCHOO several videos over the summer. They make me giggle.

Oh so props to Mr. Sven and Ms. Sheen for their beatbox/rapping skills.

Afterwards, several of us decided to go to Ms. P-cizzle's house. we stopped by Harris Teeter for some redboxing. We got two movies and then Mr. Sven, being the retard he is, decided to rev his car and jerk it out of the parking lot. Of course, I was holding a fishbowl (SB was underwater themed) and it fell into my lap. I can't find the fish.

So we all decided to sleepover: Me, Ms. Umbrelle, Mr. Sven, Mr. Bra, Mr....Yippy.

I dozed off during the first movie (Up in the Air) and totally conked out during the second (The Road). This was around 2 am ish. Mr. Sven and Mr. Bra were dumb and stayed up til 6am.
Apparently I sat up sometime around 4am and talked and flapped my wrists...

Then I woke up at 8:45 and remembered that I had an eyedoctor's appointment at 9:40. Crud.

Mr. Sven had a haircut at 9:30 and of course we got lost trying to get home (ps we live like right next to each other so thats why I'm always in his car).
I went home after that and fell asleep until 3ish
My sister, Ms. H2O, took me to go see the preview of Despicable Me which doesn't come out until July 9th. I really recommend seeing it. It's HILARIOUS.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Soo the stressing out has now sunk in.
Yep. We're screwed.
Mr. AHHCHOO is the calm one now...BECAUSE HE'S NOT THE ONE EDITING!!! HE'S THE ONE SLEEPING OVER AT MR. SVEN'S HOUSE, IGNORING ME ON THE WEBCAM WHILE I FREAK OUT....*hyperventilate* Yeah so their conversation was coming through and i heard it as background noise but DID YOU KNOW that guys actually have real conversations?!?! It's not all grunting and pointing!! Huh, who knew! hahaha.

So anyways..
I borrowed a Mac to make the video editing easier but so far its just been even more of a pain in the butt. Its not letting my photos go exactly with the faslaugdgaindgknsadg sound clip!!!! I REALLY WOULD LIKE A PUNCHING BAG RIGHT NOW.
Alrighty guys, I've got 16 hours to do this. Think I can?

Dear Seniors,
If the skit sucks...I'm sorry.
Sincerely, LittlestChiang

4 Days to GOOO

So tomorrow is Senior Banquet at our church and Mr. AHHCHOO is stressing out like mad. Together we're writing and filming the skit. I'm perfectly calm though because hey last year I finished the skit the day of the Senior Banquet. If I did it then, I can do it now.
It's nice though that we've gotten to see each other the past 6 days. That's like a new all time high. Got to see him as much as possible before CHINAAAAA

Monday, June 7, 2010

Five Days To Gooo

Soo Mr. AHHCHOO* is leaving me in 5 days to go to China. FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER!!! Okay sure its not a lot for people who have spouses in war or other countries for stuffs but HEY for someone in high school..IT'S FOREVER. rant rant rant...
Obviously, I will be blogging to mr. AHHCHOO everyday while he's gone. A WHOLE 52 DAYS!!! Ok not everyday, there will be vacation lapses, but pretty close to everyday!!
The only good coming out of this evil China trip is that I'll get a lot closer to people from church. Ms. JK* is going to be my roommate for a summer camp and I HAD BETTER HAVE SOME HEART TO HEARTS WITH YOU, WOMAN.(She's going off to boarding school, sob sob). Oh also I am now actually comfortable enough with mr. Sven* to sing along with the radio in his car!! And trust me..I'm a horrible singer.
*names changed for privacy

Noo of course that's not stress you detect in my voice.

Soo ever since AP exams have been over (first week of May) my classes have been pretty slack. A little too slack. And now all of a sudden it's the day before school is over and i suddenly have all this work to be done for English class. AHHHHH. Oh and apparently my school is the only one with review sessions after our exams in the whole county!! It really doesn't help that all my friends are either graduated or are done with exams. Once again, Cary High is a jerk.