Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 7 (technically Day 8 now but I'm on Cali time)

Sooo I went to sleep last night with the full intention of waking up at 8 again to wecbcam with Mr. AHHCHOO. Thaaaat didn't happen. This time Sleep > Mr. AHHCHOO. Sorry boo.

I finished packing this morning and then we were off to the airport! Flying standby is pretty great. One flight is only $11...sooo flying the three of us on a connecting flight from Dallas/Fort Worth cost us aboutttt $70ish. Our flight was at 10:45 and I pretty much konked out as soon as we got on. I'd have to say that was one of my most uncomfortable konking out ever. Yes even more uncomfortable than konking out underneath a bench on a cold, stone floor with people kicking me with their heels. I don't even know why it was so uncomfortable...maybe cause the people who put the seats in the airplanes have obviously never slouched in their life. sheesh. freaking Professor McGonagall. Thennn we got on the connecting flight to LA...this was better because the seats had the headphone pluggy in thing and there was NBC for American Airlines playing. Hahaha when we landed the stewardess was like "Welcome to Los Angeles the home of the Los Angeles Lakers the winners of the 2010 NBA Finals"

Anyways LA traffic is stoopid. Who'd have thought that it would take 20 minutes to drive 3 miles on the highway? So we got to their house and looked this SoCal weather is BALLIN. except that its like freezing at night.
So the marching band dudes...I shall call them Mr. Timon and Mr. Egg...whoever figures out their names gets a prize...not really but they'll get my undying they're pretty cool.
Mr. Timon looks a lot like Willim Su except skinnier and tan and less nerdy and tan. I went to youth group with them and like every one is super tan. I thought this one guy was Indian until I saw his face...they're pretty nerdy..I guess cause they're not really LA but like two small cities away from LA. The girls there are pretty stereotypical..either pretty fobby or LA-skanky. Their youth director was pretty cool though..a lot less nerdier than ANDY. They seemed pretty unruly though..people were just kinda running around afterwards and yes I am aware people run around after our yg but they're in like a legit sanctuary...oh and they have no college group..hrmm its youth/college.

Oh yeah so like all of those girls in the yg think I'm like mixed...and the youth director thought I was in college. I was like YES PEOPLE DON'T THINK I'M STILL 12!!!!

OW. i just got my lip caught in my retainer. painful :(


  1. I DON'T (and didn't =p) THINK YOU WERE MIX!! Hahaha.

    Ohmans, LA? I've been there before...once...hahaha, have fun =p Awwwww, Sleep beat your boo...

    I like your new layout =)
