Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 12 and 13

Sooo I didn't post yesterday because we switched to a hotel that was nearer to LAX and that hotel had really really sketchy wireless connection.
Well we didn't really do anything yesterday or today anyways..
Yesterday we just went and got the new hotel which was pretty nice cause it was right on Marina Del Rey..we just walked around and walked down to the Fisherman's Village.
My mom had this nice asian resturant all picked out annnnnnnnnnnnnd we walk all the way down there and my dad says that it serves too many white people so we turn around and go look at other resturants. For some reason we picked this sketchy hole-in-the-wall kinda resturant except it was actually pierfront...but it was like deserted and kinda dirty..and expensive. it wasnt that bad though. I reallywanted to get a jetski but my dad was being cheap asian again. Soooo we walked back and I played with the sketchy internet some. yeah it wouldn't let me go on gmail or blogger BUT somehow I could play youtube and hulu..
And today we tried to go home but the stupid Dallas/Forth Worth air traffic control people decided that there was too much air traffic and cancelled the flight we were supposed to be on.
So we tried to get on some flight that was going east in some way but it failed several times. At least at LAX there was a Non-Revenue Lounge and they had DISNEY CHANNEL!!!
Well we finally got a flight to Roswell, New Mexico...what a podunk town..and they are really pushing the whole alien thing...they have a McDonalds in the shape of a saucer and the lights glow green and have little alien eyes on them hahaha.

oh I forgot to mention that the day we went to Hollywood we also went to the Griffith Observatory and I was all like "DROOOOOOOL THEY FILMED PART OF TRANSFORMERS HERE!!"

And here's to Mr. AHHCHOO who will be coming home in (after today) 39 days. YES! DOWN TO THE THIRTIES!!!

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