Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 9 was stuffed

Soooo Mr. AHHCHOO complaining about how you didn't get to talk to me at all the other day huh? WELLLL I waited up for you until 3 in the morning HOPING that you would get on again :(
AND I didn't even see Mr. Timon and Mr. Egg today because they went to church and we slept in. Then we went to the Ronald Reagan Library...that was interesting..there were a bunch of mannequins in the Air Force 1 plane and all I could think about was I Am Legend..
As we were leaving we saw this little kid who was all upset in the parking lot and as we walked by his mom pointed to my shirt(Bob the Tomato) and the kid got all happy. YES! My good deed of the week.
So then we went to get our hotel on the other side of LA annnd that was stupid. The maps were all wrong and like all the roads split up and become other roads and it was just...idiotic.
When we FINALLY got to the hotel and went up to our room...we opened it and saw a whole set of someone elses luggage. We went back down to the front desk and were like, "UHH either you gave us the master key or theres someone living in our room." So they gave us another room and we were pretty pooped so I just watched like 5 episodes of Sonny With a Chance.
Then we went out to dinner with another of my mom's old friends. YES MR. AHHCHOO THEY HAD TWO SONS TOO. hahah the little one is in 3rd grade but is almost as tall as me :( The other one is going to be a sophomore in college...HE'S REALLY TALL. He's 6'4"!! His chinese is REALLY REALLY good and he has a strangely appealling voice...
Anyways we were going to eat at this chinese seafood place but STUPID ASIAN PEOPLE!! It was like being in a can of sardines. AND they were totally rude. We had made reservations too!! UGH so we just gave up and went across the street to eat. hahah it was called the Happy Sheep. It was like the thing where you have a pot of boiling soup in the middle of the table and you get platters of raw meat and vegetables and etc and you stick em into the soup and cook it yourself. Quite delicious...MAN they ordered sooooo much!! After we left the resturant my stomach was like was almost like having abs. Then we went downstairs to get some shaved ice. This was like legit shaved ice...there weren't any chunks of ice and it was like eatting flurries.. Yummy.
Yeah so we took a bunch of pictures and ARGH WHY IS HE SO TALL and I was standing on like a 6inch curb and I was barely level with his shoulder :[
Ehh and we were pretty bloated and didn't really feel like moving so we just kinda fell asleep watching Disney Channel at the hotel...typical


  1. Dislike. I was on the computer while you were waiting. Do you wait on gmail or aim? I wasn't on either but I was uploading vlogs.

    I'd be scared if there were PEOPLE in my room if I opened the door..


    Happy Sheep = The Melting Pot?

    'almost like having abs' i wish i knew what that felt like..

    I don't like shaved ice...

  2. lol @ kevin "i wish i knew waht that felt like"
    bob the tomato shirt? i don't recall you wearing that before? or maybe my memory just sucks. i have your volleyball shirt washed and clean and folded! so next time i see you hopefully i will bring it. 6'4" is pretty crazy, yo. I am legend ahhhhh the mutant humans ahhhhhh
