Monday, December 12, 2011


i'm such a bum...

break is no fun if you're the only one on it..

Wednesday, December 7, 2011



I took my Chinese final this morning, wasn't that was basically a glorified quiz
My Calc II exam is innnnnn t-minus 1hour 50 min

Tomorrow I've got plant bio and natural resources :(


hahahahah Mr. AHHCHOO isn't done until NEXT thursday

hmm what to do over break...i've got a little over a month of freeeeeedom.
Oh Ms. H1 is coming back from Arizona..she moved there this summer for a job with ASU.
I've got to make H1 and H2 shirts T_T
I finished most of my christmas shopping..err that and Mr. AHHCHOO so far...not sure if i have enough money for everybody else >_>
oh! i went a little crazy the other day and bought myself a gamecube because i was reading all about the new Zelda game: Skyward Sword and then i really wanted to play all the zelda games including Wind Waker which is on gamecube
buuuuuuuuuttttttttttttt luckily Mr. Bra said i could have his windwaker game :DD
so lucky..its hard to find on the internet
ANDDDDDDDD Mr. Sven said i could play his Skyward Sword over break too cause he will be in Taiwan :DDD

oh yeah. and i have to get my wisdom teeth out the day after Mr. AHHCHOO's birthday :(

OH annnnnnnnnndddd WICKED IS BACKKKKKK!!!!!
I super duper want to go watch again...but we missed the priority tickets deadline T_T
getting regular tickets is so hard!

T minus1 hour and 41 minutes :(

Lyrics of the Day:
Zelda theeeeeeeeeeeemme song whateverrrrrrr it is
-Legend of Zeldaaaa

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Sooo yesterday I thought maybe Mr. AHHCHOO and I could go bowling because we had been wanting to for a couple of weeks or so now.
BUTTTTTTTT no we just played LOL which is a spinoff of WoW.
hahahah so dorky. we played for like 7 hours.
We played with Mr. AHHCHOO's friend Mr. Gucci over the phone.
we totally trolled this one guy in a game. he was being really flaky
THEN Mr. AHHCHOO goes "shut the f**k up nigga"
hahahahahahahahahahah but we think the kid was pretty young cause he didn't get mad and just played along with it.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Fridayyy

Lol this is like the craziest day of the year.
I think the most people get trampled this time of year at midnight.mostly at Walmart and Target

People come up with the best ad's for this day.
Here is one of Kohl's parodying Rebecca Black's Friday

Lyrics of the Day:
It's Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
-Rebecca Black, Friday

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Day

Wowww its been a long time since I've posted on here. Lets pick up from where I left off..

Well in my last post I said I still hadn't gotten an acceptance letter from any college.
ahem. Shortly after that I received on from Campbell with $40,000 scholarship, Clemson with my desired major, and NCState with my desired hometown. Where did I go?


2011 has been a great year. I graduated, I got a decent summer job, I got to spend 3 amazing months with the love of my life, I started college, and I know who I'm marrying :)

Oh Mr. AHHCHOO. He makes me laugh, he makes me cry. He makes me sad, angry, and happy..sometimes at the same time! Some people might think their boyfriends are perfect but yeah..i admit it he's far from perfect. I'm not stupid, I'm just facing real life. He snores and drools when he sleeps, he yells at me when he does math, we get into fights, it gets real.
But this is what I want. A real relationship. Not something out of Hollywood or fantasy, but a real, solid relationship. You might say that oh no we're too young for something so serious or that I really shouldn't settle for one person so soon. But I have a pretty darn good feeling that this is it for me :)

So here we are, near the end of my first semester there...hopefully 1st of only 4. I plan on transferring to UNC after sophomore year. Hopefully Mr. AHHCHOO will go with me. He said he would but every time he says it in a resigned way so I'm a little unsure...
The people we like best are at UNC. Mr. Sven, Mr. Bra; and Ms. DonkyKeung and Ms. VVN will most likely end up there. And asian people look better in blue hahah is Thanksgiving Day
I'm thankful for a lot of things.
-A wonderful home to live in
-A wonderful family to live with
-The opportunity to go to school and not have to worry about tuition
-Getting to live in A'MURICA
-Having been saved by Christ
-Having lots of special friends who love me
-And pretty importantly: Having a man who loves me for who I am, nerdiness and all.

Lyrics of the Day:
Thank you for the cross, Lord
Thank you for the price you paid
-Hillsong United, Worthy is the Lamb

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Teenage Angst

Life is crap.

1. Was failing Calc BC, not failing anymore but still basically am.
2. My mom threatened to take away the car
3.Still haven't gotten an acceptance letter

I am a terrible person, Mr. AHHCHOO. I know I texted you that about 15 minutes ago...but like when people ask me what your interests are or I'm trying to think of what to get you for Christmas or your birthday...I come up pretty blank.
Of course I could always say that your interests include wrestling, longboarding, and me...but what else?
I should know things like this. It makes me think of the days when we first started talking.

What the hell did we even talk about?

I feel like we don't even have much in common...all I know is that somehow I love you a lot.
I know we've been getting into a lot of fights lately and I think we've been taking each other for granted. We've just been pushing things onto each other without any consideration for each other's feelings. Due to ...recent events, I really don't want this to end at all. As naive, idiotic, and cliche as this sounds, I wanna be with you for the rest of my life. I told you once that when I pictured my life in 10 years, my goal was to be rich and successful, not married to AHHCHOO. But you're a huge part of my life now, in fact my world revolves around you. I was talking to Mr. Sven earlier tonight and about how our text messages would go something like this: AHHCHOO AHHCHOO AHHCHOO AHHCHOO AHHCHOO AHHCHOO AHHCHOO AHHCHOO MS. COW AHHCHOO AHHCHOO MR. JONAS AHHCHOO AHHCHOO AHHCHOO AHHCHOO AHHCHOO AHHCHOO AHHCHOO MR. SVEN AHHCHOO AHHCHOO AHHCHOO AHHCHOO. Without you, I'm pretty sure my world would collapse. This is dumb but the only book example I can think of right now is in New Moon when Edward left Bella...

Anyways, I just wanted to say that I hope this doesn't make you upset even though I'm really upset with myself and we SHOULD go back to the olden days of our long messages...once you get a new computer. That's password protected. From the JOYCHOO.

I need to know you. On a subatomic level. I want to be a AHHCHOO expert.

oh by the way. We made it past the 500 day pact ;D

and sorry I'm a jerk about your braces. you know i'm no good with my words and feelings so consider it my way of being sad about you having them in college. but like i said SUPERHOT when its over :/

and sorry I'm a jerk in general.

Hug it out? oh wait. this was a pretty one-sided conversation...

Lyrics of the Day
"If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you

And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Every day I will remind you

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go
Never say goodbye
-Bruno Mars, Count on Me