Monday, July 29, 2013

I thought I did. I really did.

"You're going to honestly tell me that you found love at 17? Don't give me that horse shit."


But really though. oh my god. That really hurts.
Now I don't know.  I put 3 and a half years of my life into this and now what?
What do I have to show for it?
Nothing but a broken heart, a shitty GPA, and a renewed appetite for alcohol.

What am I doing?
What the hell did I do last Friday night.  Who am I turning into.
I don't think I've ever gotten that drunk or done such stupid things.

I saw you today.  It's changed.  You're still so easy to talk to, but now there's so much tension.  There's no free and easy contact.  No holding hands. No brushing arms. No hugging.
Though actually you did try quite a bit.  I had my guard up like mad.
I don't know what you want from me.  I guess you consider yourself a free agent, but I can't see you that way.  You basically live with her.  You're dating all but in name.
Which also kinda pisses me off since it was her fault for you getting charged with possession and you're like not even mad about it.  If that had been us, you would have dumped me on the spot, making a huge scene, stomping out, leaving me to pick up the pieces, waiting for you to call only to hear you say you want all your stuff in a bag. yeah I'm familiar with the drill.
It seemed like you kept trying to say something.  But you wouldn't. Even when I directly asked.
So basically I can't tell if you're just too proud to say it or you're the world's biggest ass.

Lyrics of the Day:
There's a stranger in my bed
There's a pounding in my head

This a hickey or a bruise?

It's a blacked out blur
But I'm pretty sure it ruled

And we took to many shots
Think we kissed but I forgot
-Katy Perry, "Last Friday Night"

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